Are you here because you’ve led a troubled life?
Are you here because you know, deep down, there’s a better way of living?
I hear you, loud and clear.
This thing we call ‘life’ can throw so many challenges at us. And sometimes it’s hard to see the way ahead, never mind a way out.
I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, which is why I’m so committed to helping myself and improving the quality of my life. As a result, my struggles have gifted me with a vision and a lifestyle, with which I also want to help others.
To be completely honest, life’s thrown its toughest punches my way. I’ve battled with mental health, I’ve fought against addictions, and I’ve spent time behind bars. There were even moments where I considered ending it all.. And when it comes to relationships? Navigating their complexities, especially at their lowest of points, can be soul-crushing. But the deepest cut of them all, and the most challenging roles I’ve ever taken on, has been, being a single father.
Yet, despite it all, here I am. Stronger than ever before, and Proud for doing any good it takes for having come this far, better for it! By the way, that’s the beauty of a mess, not to say that I ever was, Ahem. Just that I mean to say, that the beauty of a mess - Is that it can at least get cleaned up. And the day that you realise that the reason why you are in this mess, is so that you can learn how to clean it up, and make a shiny example of yourself.
How did I make it?
By not letting anything that has happened be in vain, and by not taking anything for granted – especially myself. I realised that my past does not define me, and that I am the one to define myself.
Take it from me, introspection and reflection is the key to answering some of life’s biggest questions: Like for example, Who am I? What do I want out of life? Am I happy? Does my life have meaning and purpose? What do I have to offer to the world? What do I love? What could life look like, if only I believed in myself and went for it? The list is endless…
Embracing personal development for me, has been a game-changer, and has served as the foundation to enhancing my experience with life, as well as my wellbeing. In fact, bellow is what research has consistently proven, and how it effects our growth:
Neuroplasticity: The brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. This means that, through consistent effort, we can cultivate positive habits and mindsets that directly improve our quality of life.
Growth Mindset: Research from Dr. Carol Dweck's at Stanford University has revealed that individuals with a growth mindset—those who believe they can grow and evolve through effort—tend to be more resilient, adaptable, and ultimately get on through life being more successful.
Cognitive Benefits: Mindfulness, when integrated into personal life, has been demonstrated in multiple studies to reduce stress, improve focus, and heighten emotional well-being.
However, it's essential to understand that there is no ‘‘quick fix’ in regard to personal development. Positive changes happen over time, with consistentency. And while everything might not shift immediately, your commitment, persistence, along with a informed plan. Well, life as a result begins to shape up for the better.
In my journey, I've discovered the importance of creating space, and with that what I mean to say is to make time. Because you and I are capable of doing anything we put our minds too, unless not put to good use.
From humble beginnings, I now inspire as a motivational speaker, sharing my life journey and many “A-ha” moments, while sharing my thoughts, and my feelings.
As a Lifestyle Recovery Coach & Well-being Mentor, I believe that I was born to share my story and be of service, Inspiring Hope & Resolve. Together, we can thrive out of survival mode, supporting you however way I can, to create the life that you’re capable of, and the life that you deserve.
~ Antonio De Sousa
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Tools for your journey towards self love
Read The Lockdown on Self Love
Read my tell-all memoir, which reveals my personal demons and my journey towards self discovery.
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